Tag Archives: property purchase

Easements can be painful for property owners.  They can hinder an owner’s ability to fully utilise their land and enjoy it in the way they dreamed. What are easements? Easements are legal restrictions placed on a title that can restrain the use of the land. They provide the right of a third party (such as […]

Right of Carriageway Easement A carriageway easement is a legal right for an authorised person to travel across specified parts of your property at any time. These authorised persons are usually neighbours or owners of the properties surrounding yours. The easement gives them right of way, whether by vehicle or foot. Essentially, this means that […]

With over 35 years of experience, the team at Linear Land Surveying has helped thousands of clients with their land surveying needs. If we had the opportunity to share one piece of surveying advice to everyone, it would be this: Before purchasing a property, make sure you have a licensed land surveyor review the title […]

With over 35 years of experience, the team at Linear Land Surveying has helped thousands of clients with their land surveying needs. If we had the opportunity to share one piece of surveying advice to everyone, it would be this: Before purchasing a property, make sure you have a licensed land surveyor review the title […]

With over 35 years of experience, the team at Linear Land Surveying has helped thousands of clients with their land surveying needs. If we had the opportunity to share one piece of surveying advice to everyone, it would be this: Before purchasing a property, make sure you have a licensed land surveyor review the title […]

If you have ever owned a property and have undertaken any sort of development on that property, you’ve probably been told, “you need to talk to a surveyor”. The key question is always, “what type of surveyor do you really need?” Many people will confuse land surveyors and building surveyors, given we work in the […]

Have you been hitting the weekend inspections and auctions hoping to find a potential property for subdivision? Do you know which properties make for the best subdivision projects? Be sure to check out our helpful hints below so you can choose the right property for your subdivision project.   When choosing a property for subdivision, […]

Buying a new home or property can be one of the most exciting moments in a person’s life. In this excitement, many new property owners will often forget to complete a vital step in the purchasing process – the Title Re-establishment Survey. Having your new property’s title re-established by a licensed land surveyor is crucial […]